AFS Aerial Photography Inc. Services

AFS Aerial Photography Inc. has a wide variety of services to offer. Along with our aerial photography, we can service you with large format prints, custom framing and photographic restoration. Our dedicated staff can tackle any job with a range of skills. From pilot to printer, our team is ready to provide you with a photograph you’ll be proud of displaying. You can order a custom flight of any location in North America to have an aerial photo taken…or you can order reprints of your current AFS aerial photo by quoting your reference number found on the back of your aerial photograph or invoice.

We have been in business for 60 years and in that time we have taken our fair share of photographs. Chances are that if you’re looking for a photograph of a particular location in North America, we may have it in our photo archives. Usually, we have one photo of any given house or business per decade going back four decades. Please fill out the “Archive Search Form” by answering some general questions and we’ll search our photo archives for you.
